This is the industry we started in. Maybe you are a dealership, whole seller, fleet company, insurance company, rental car company, or simply the proud owner of a special car. We provide services to anyone. There is no job we will not take, except if we feel it’s not repairable.
We repair leather, vinyl, velour, sports cloth, carpet, and plastics in vehicles. It does not matter if it’s a door panel, leather seat, velour seat, vinyl seat, dash, console, steering wheel, or maybe the buttons on your radio have worn or peeled off. We can help.
Headliners with cigarette burns or stains that detail can’t seem to get out, we have a way to take care of it. Maybe the plastic trim in your car is scratched up or needs painting. We got you covered. Did the kids spill red juice in your carpet, we can get it out, we have a proven method.
Repairing the interior of a vehicle increases value. If you are trying to sell a vehicle it can also increase the appeal to the purchaser. We bring the shine back. And the repairs look like new.

How much does it cost though, and is it worth it? It’s a great deal. For example, I recently did some research and looked up the cost of a steering wheel in a 2013 Ford F150. The cost for the part was $339!! That doesn’t include the labor that goes into that. In most cases, the labor will cost just as much or more. You will probably spend $600-800 just for a new steering wheel. Shipping on those items is usually 2-3 weeks, you pay taxes, you pay shipping. That is on the cheap side of things. We can repair it and refinish it to look new for a lot less.
Repairing versus replacing is always going to save you money and time. We come to you, it’s convenient, its smart. Let us help.
“its a solution, not a quick fix”